5 January 2023
Marieke van de Rakt
Crafting clear and correct paragraphs isn’t just about aesthetics. You shouldn’t put whitespace in your content just to make it look nicer. Paragraphs are actually a vital ingredient for readability, for both your readers and Google. So in order to create great content, you’ll need to give your paragraphs some extra SEO love! In this …
Read: "How to write clear and SEO-friendly paragraphs"
16 September 2022
Marieke van de Rakt
Reading from a screen can be difficult, so if you want people to read your whole blog post, it must be easy to read. This will get you more returning visitors and a higher conversion rate. Luckily, improving the readability of your content is something you can do relatively easily, to give your site a …
Read: "5 tips for writing readable blog posts"
26 July 2022
Willemien Hallebeek
6 July 2022
Marieke van de Rakt
Using the right keywords is essential in SEO. Because using the words your audience searches with will help your posts and pages rank. That’s why we always tell you to put some effort into finding the perfect keywords to optimize your articles for. So, after finding the perfect keyword, why shouldn’t you use it over …
Read: "Why you should use synonyms and related keywords"
21 September 2021
Marieke van de Rakt
Is it worth your while making your text easy to read? Will it lead to higher rankings and more traffic? In simpler terms: Does readability rank? At Yoast, we’re convinced that writing in plain and understandable language can and will get you more visitors. We’ve even developed a tool to help people write readable text. …
Read: "Does readability rank? On ease of reading and SEO"