Google algorithm archives

Recent Google algorithm articles

15 questions about ranking factors – Yoast webinar recap

People are always talking about ranking factors. You know, the secret ingredients to Google’s magic algorithmic formula. If you know them and find a way to please these factors, you’re well on your way to that coveted number one spot — or so people seem to think. In general, chasing all these individual ranking factors …

Read: "15 questions about ranking factors – Yoast webinar recap"
15 questions about ranking factors – Yoast webinar recap

Google says it doesn’t use rel=prev/next for pagination

22 March 2019 | 8 Comments Edwin Toonen

Sometimes you wonder if Google even knows how Google works. Search is getting more complex by the day and there comes a point where it’s anybody’s guess. Yesterday, Google ‘announced’ that its search engine doesn’t use the pagination markup rel=prev/next at all and hasn’t for years. That’s curious because they have been advocating using it …

Read: "Google says it doesn’t use rel=prev/next for pagination"
Google says it doesn’t use rel=prev/next for pagination

5 link building DON’Ts you didn’t know about

19 March 2019 | 42 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

A lot of link building strategies can backfire, causing more damage than doing good. If you want to improve your ranking in the long term, use a holistic SEO strategy, and avoid certain link building tactics. In this post, I’ll discuss some link building DON’Ts: tactics you should most definitely NOT use. Some of these, …

Read: "5 link building DON’Ts you didn’t know about"
5 link building DON’Ts you didn’t know about

On Google’s related entities patent: Write awesome posts!

24 October 2018 | 2 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

Perhaps you’ve read about the related entities patent which was recently granted to Google, or perhaps you haven’t yet. You should read Dave Davies post about it on Search Engine Land and find out more about it. The related entities patent gives us valuable insights into how Google identifies relationships between content. It was a …

Read: "On Google’s related entities patent: Write awesome posts!"
On Google’s related entities patent: Write awesome posts!

Google at 20: Journeys, AI-driven results and visual search

26 September 2018 | 13 Comments Edwin Toonen

It’s hard to imagine a life without a search engine that knows what it’s doing. I remember the days of AltaVista and co, search engines that just dump random pages on you for every given query. I was so excited to see Google enter the scene and immediately do everything right — the results were …

Read: "Google at 20: Journeys, AI-driven results and visual search"
Google at 20: Journeys, AI-driven results and visual search

Google’s Medic update, and how to deal with it

22 August 2018 | 20 Comments Joost de Valk

In the week of August 1st Google rolled out a “broad core algorithm update.” This update has been dubbed the “Medic update” online. We know it was that because they said so on Twitter. There was quite a bit of buzz around this update. Some sites “won”, others “lost”, which is logical because, in the …

Read: "Google’s Medic update, and how to deal with it"
Google’s Medic update, and how to deal with it

What are ranking signals?

4 September 2017 | 5 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

Ranking signals or ranking factors are characteristics of a website that determine the position in the search engines. All ranking signals combined form the algorithm of a search engine. How this algorithm works is a secret. Nobody knows exactly which factors decide the order of the search results. Google’s algorithm isn’t static. It changes regularly. The …

Read: "What are ranking signals?"
What are ranking signals?

Optimizing the searcher’s journey – Interview with Maile Ohye (Google)

18 November 2016 | 4 Comments Edwin Toonen

According to Maile Ohye of Google, “SEO is evolving into what Loren George McKechnie described as ‘search experience optimization’. It’s less about top ranking, and more about optimizing the searcher’s journey. It’s the intersection of content, UX, and as always, staying smart about search engines.” We had the chance to ask Maile a couple of questions, …

Read: "Optimizing the searcher’s journey – Interview with Maile Ohye (Google)"
Optimizing the searcher’s journey – Interview with Maile Ohye (Google)