WordPress Stats Infographic
My Google Analytics plugin recently hit 3 million downloads and my WordPress SEO plugin hit its first million downloads. I thought those stats were cool and I decided to have an infographic made with more WordPress stats and dive in a little bit more and gather some stats that I thought would be interesting.
If you read any blogs in the world, by now you’ll know WordPress dominates the top 100 blogs in the world, Matt had some interesting comments about that. We’ve seen more WordPress stats, like these by Lorelle. I then started adding more stats on my own.
I asked Experian Hitwise to give me some stats about visits to WordPress.org, Drupal.org and Joomla.org in the UK and US, which they did (thanks!). Upwork (former: oDesk) and Freelancer.com have some great WordPress stats pages and of course there’s a bit of info on WordPress.org itself. So, with all of that and some I’m probably forgetting, Design by Soap made the following infographic for me, I hope you like it, if you do, please share it!
WordPress Stats

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I tried WordPress SEO but had some strange problems, went back to HeadSpace2, but that plugin has suddenly started blocking basic post editing. Going back to WordPress SEO. Wish me luck.
Great Infographic Joost, thanks. I am definitively going to share it!!! :) By the way, thank you also for the great WP plugins. I am using both Google Analytics and WordPress SEO, they are quite simply the best WP plugins ever
does activating the WordPress SEO have anything to do with the DNS config? I activated it and changed the permalink to category and postname.
Almost immediately lost my links on Google, and later my DNS config was affected. Is that linked to the plug-in or something else?
Deola Kayode
Excellent infographic!
Wordpress is more and more popular also thanks to yours great plugins ;)
Thanks so much for this great infographic. Much appreciated!
No wonder your SEO plugin is so popular. It serves the best SEO options for the most used CMS in the world. Keep it coming Yoast :)
Very informative, WordPress now gears up. I am finding that kind of informative post about WordPress. Good post Yoast. Keep it up. :)
Very informative, WordPress now gears up. Good post Yoast:)
Congratulations WordPress and Yoast! :)
These plugins are indeed great! Thanks Joost.
Thanks for the infographic yoast! Definitely will pin it! Downloaded you google analytics plugin today for wordpress!
Some serious numbers there and its free as well. Have not got yoast on my site will have to go and have a look at it
Great infographic Yoast! The rate of WordPress is amazing and it is starting to grow in popularity in Australia as well, finally!
Great article. WordPress is really exploding.
It still boggles my mind that there are people who spend thousands of dollars for a website, while WordPress is completely free and beats there website big time!
Congratulations with reaching a million!
Mind boggling figures, It is amazing that 32 million websites are run from a single WP MS installation (wordpress.com).
Btw great infographic.
This again is proof of open source success and that good service can promote itself and you don’t need huge budget to push it forward.
Looks like Yoast plugin is also very popular
What a wonderful representation of the continued domination of WordPress in comparison to it’s competitors. Some of these numbers are truly astounding.
Great infographic and congratulations for the 3m milestone!
Okay. Am gonna install Yoast SEO on a dummy site to check the features… after a quick review I see that Yoast have more features…
Yes, that’s why you need to import.
Oops! That sucks! I should have used this plugin from the very beginning now am not sure whether to go for this.. as I see many features….
Mahesh, that’s what Joost is trying to say, it’s super easy to import your previous All In One settings in his plugin and start using it without any problems! I just made a switch myself, so I can give thumbs up!
Okay. But I gave up my plan.. am still using All In One SEO. Because I can’t take the risk.. if there is something wrong then all my meta info will be gone…
I am still not sure whether to go for Yoast SEO Plugin or All In One SEO… Have been using All in one seo ever since I launched the blog… you can bring the permalink redirect back as a separate plugin it was useful…
Try WordPress SEO, seriously. It’s so much better, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating :)
Any comparison with All In One SEO? I use AIOSEO mainly because I can write custom meta keywords, desc, and title while writing the blogpost.
Go here: https://yoast.com/wordpress/seo/ and start reading. Seriously, of course you can do that in my SEO plugin as well, but better.
No actually you can import all your keywords automatically.
it’s a lot to absorb at one time, but once you get it right youyou can export all the settings for your next website
I have just installed Yoast. But why should I import from All In One SEO? If I disable All IN One SEO then will the keywords and description entered via All In One SEO for individual posts be lost?
I think it should say “to date, there have been 98 version releases”
not “here”
Great infographic Yoast! And congratulations by reaching 3 million downloads, those are very impressive stats!
Btw just yesterday also installed your plugin on 1WD :) Loving it! Very well explained smallest details!
A very good infographics, can you write a post about how to create this type of Infographics?
Where is blogger in the Market Share stats?
Much earned success Yoast. May you continue to have much more success in the future!
Mr. Yoast, can you tell me what is the advantage of providing a free plugin? I am impressed with your good intentions to make the plugin free of charge, although it takes a lot of time.
Sincerely Yours.
This is awesome, I’m from Indonesia and I didn’t realize that “Indonesians are the most prolific WordPress users the planet”. thank you for the infographic Joost.
Great infographic, I plan to use this during client meetings when they ask about Joomla :)
Nice Infographic. Wow… 20-25% of all Websites were built with WordPress! Great success!
Nice info. We did our websites and websites for our local clients in WP too. I have to admit that WP is the most SEO friendly and user friendly platform.
Great infographic. WP is truly the giant here and I definitely love my new blog on WP as there are a load more features from Blogger and the fact that the sites look clean and simple with less distractions from the actually content.
This is really great to see… With an install (user) base like this, it isn’t going anywhere soon and it will only get more interesting to create great plugins for it.
Great infographic there!fully expresses the strides WordPress has taken as a content management system.
I kinda like the fact that Yoast is blowing his trumpet there (lol!). I have been put up my blog since 2006 and I can undoubtedly say You’ve contributed immensly to the growth of WordPress.
Well done!
These are some really mind blowing stats, Joost! It reminds me of that Social Media Revolution YouTube video!
As an SEO, I love WordPress, and it’s easy to see why. I love how everything is that graphic is laid out — nice and clean. Did you make it yourself? I’m tempted to use it in my next blog (of course, giving you credit as the source) because it’s some real powerful stuff.
Great infogaph buddy. You put a lot of work into visualizing the cool wordpress info… keep up the good work ;)
is there a place to get wordpress.org stats in Israel?
By IP or other another method?
Is there a website like “socialbakers” for wordpress?
That is a stunning post Yoast.
Most if not all serious website owners who implement WordPress as their platform, should use your brilliant plugins.
What I liked most is the fact that WP is simply crushing Joomla ( close to 6:1 ratio ), which is a horrible and an unfriendly CMS to begin with.
Great infographic.
Is there any chance getting the original file of the infographic, I would like to translate it into hebrew and post it on my site.
Of course credit and link will be added.
It is very impressive to see where WordPress has been and sounds very positive for the future. I wonder how long it can last before something else comes along.
There are tons of reasons to love WordPress. You have told us the most. Thanks for the post :)
Great post Yoast, really useful summary. Thanks, Mark (in London)
P.S. Can’t believe I’ve only now subscribed to your newsletter! Is it new?
Congratulations Joost! Those are very impressive stats. Russell Jamieson (my husband) spent some time in a bar with you in 2010 at the WordCamp in Kilkenny and you inspired him to get more into plugin development. He now has 4 plugins and more planned. Hopefully his download stats will one day be like yours ;-) Well done.
As an SEO you should know better than to trust those public guessed-at traffic stats ;)
Both Joomla and Drupal have made their traffic stats publicly available. Joomla gets around 7 million visits per month and Drupal about 1.5 million.
So going on an estimate of 15% US traffic, Joomla probably gets 1 million per month from the US and Drupal around 225,000.
From Joomla (a year old and they claim big growth since then) http://community.joomla.org/blogs/community/1324-6-million.html
From Drupal a few weeks ago: http://www.cmswire.com/images/Drupal_growth_2012.jpg
very nice infographic, some incredibly insane numbers in that graphic,
I think you made a small mistake with one of the stats: it says that over 352M people view more than 2.5 million pages in an average month on WordPress.com; Shouldn’t that be 2.5 BILLION pages?
Heh, I knew we’d make a mistake somewhere, let me get that one fixed :)
Cool! First infographic that I just have to post to Pinboard. ;) Thanks!
Ah heck. Not Pinboard, but the more popular Pin-thingy. I’m sure this is one of the most relevant corrections ever.