Volume and Trend of related keyphrases
Our Semrush integration offers the functionality to find related keyphrases for the keyphrase you’ve filled out in Yoast SEO. These related keyphrases will also have some more metrics next to them to help you choose relevant related keyphrases. Those extra metrics are Volume and Trend. Here’s what they mean.

Did you know that with Semrush in Yoast SEO Premium, you can add up to five additional keyphrases to each post and page? Yoast SEO will then analyze the additional keyphrases in your content and give you feedback on each one!

Volume is the average number of monthly searches for the related keyphrase over the last 12 months. So this is a monthly metric.
The interest of searchers in the related keyphrase over the last 12 months. The metric is based on changes in the number of searches per month.