22 October 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
Aaah, lovely Google Analytics. A tool some people love to hate. And I must agree, I have a tough relationship with Google Analytics as well. It has so many functionalities and so much to offer, which can make it quite overwhelming. But Google Analytics is really trying to help you get along with its data tool. In this …
Read: "How Google Analytics wants to help you"
8 October 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
I love segments! And for those of you wondering why I love them, or for those of you wondering what the heck segments are: I’ve written a post about segments in Google Analytics, that I invite you to read. In short: using segments makes your Google Analytics life a whole lot more interesting because it specifies your …
Read: "Sequence segments in Google Analytics"
24 September 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
I’m a visual thinker; I love looking at images. If I think about my search behavior, I catch myself looking at images quite often, for instance when I want to know what city X looks like. Or if I’m looking for a product I’ve seen somewhere, without knowing the brand or where I can buy …
Read: "Check your image search traffic in Google Analytics"
10 September 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
Generic reports in Google Analytics contain aggregated data, data from all the things on one big pile. That’s a lot of information, but not very specific. So, if you’re just monitoring your data, you might manage that by looking at the standard data you see in Google Analytics. But, if you want to go beyond that, to …
Read: "Secondary dimensions in Google Analytics"
20 August 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
This post is for those of you who want to use Google Analytics, but feel a threshold to start with this tool. For everyone that wants to see the fun of Google Analytics, but is having a hard time finding that fun. This is a post for people that are scared to use Google Analytics because they’re afraid to …
Read: "3 exercises to have more fun with Google Analytics"
8 August 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
Dashboards. There are a lot of people out there that absolutely love dashboards. And I agree, creating a good dashboard can save you a lot of time as an analyst. It’s very useful for monitoring data and reporting back to your colleagues. And dashboards can make clear when something’s off the charts, the moment for …
Read: "How to create a Google Search Console dashboard"
23 July 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
The new Google Search Console is out! Since the beginning of this year, more and more users have gotten the pleasure of the new functionalities in Google Search Console. After you get used to the totally new interface, you see all the cool stuff it has to offer. One of those awesome features is the 16 months of …
Read: "16 months of Google Search Console data"
9 July 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
Most people find it difficult to go from reporting the basic stuff in Google Analytics, like pageviews and sessions, to analyzing data. Drawing valuable and actionable conclusions based on data is even more challenging. Everyone searches for ways to do this, and learns while doing so. Here, I want to discuss a metric in Google …
Read: "What is Page Value in Google Analytics?"
25 June 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
Don’t you ever just wonder which pages people look at after they land on your site? How do people click through your website? How do they navigate? Questions like these can be answered with the use of Google Analytics. In this post, I want to show you a very cool feature called: Users Flow. What is …
Read: "Users Flow in Google Analytics"
11 June 2018
Annelieke van den Berg
Oh, the wonders of email marketing. It can keep your audience up-to-date whilst hopefully resulting in an increase in sales. But how do you measure the efforts of email marketing? Google Analytics can give you insight into how much of your traffic is generated by email. It’s an interesting tool that can break down the …
Read: "Email performance in Google Analytics"